What to Wear: Fall Primary Recruitment
This page is meant to serve as a guide for what to wear to FFR. However, we encourage PNMs to wear what makes them feel comfortable, and recognize that this page is not a comprehensive guide! If there are any questions, please email Julia, our VP of Membership, at phc.membership@calgreeks.com.
Unity Day
The first day is casual, so pants, shorts, and skirts, and comfortable shoes are recommended!
Philanthropy Day
Level of formality increases slightly each day, so for Philanthropy Day, we recommend dresses, nice blouses, dress pants, skirts, and comfortable flats, boots, sandals, or casual heels!
This day is slightly more formal than Unity Day, so sundresses/maxis, nice jeans/chino shorts, skirts, blouses, comfy shoes and sandals, or casual heels if you would like, are recommended!
In Person Recruitment:
In Person Recruitment:
In Person Recruitment:

Sisterhood Day

Preference Night

As the most formal night of recruitment, we recommend attire that is semi-formal; nice dresses, nice pants, blouses, skirts, and nicer shoes!
In Person Recruitment: